What would you do differently if you knew there was a wise and loving reason behind what God is taking you through?

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Inspired by the hymn, Rejoice ye Pure in Heart by E.H. Plumtre

1 Rejoice, O pure in heart, 
rejoice, give thanks, and sing; 
your festal banner wave on high, 
the cross of Christ your King. 

Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, give thanks, and sing! 

2 Bright youth and snow-crowned age, 
both men and women, raise 
on high your free, exulting song, 
declare God’s wondrous praise. [Refrain] 

3 Still lift your standard high, 
still chanting as you go, 
from youth to age, by night and day, 
in gladness and in woe. [Refrain] 

4 At last the march shall end; 
the wearied ones shall rest, 
the pilgrims reach their home at last, 
Jerusalem the blest. [Refrain] 

5 Praise God, who reigns on high, 
the Lord whom we adore: 
the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, 
one God forevermore. [Refrain] 

Pilgrim’s Joy Devotional is a collection of meditations inspired by Christian hymns. This episode was written and presented by Olufemi Oguntokun. Do you want to join the GospelBellsRadio community? Please send us a WhatsApp message or an email. Do you have a prayer request? Send it here anonymously. Do you have a testimony to share? Send us a WhatsApp Voice Note here or simply request to be our guest (live or by telephone) on ThankfulThursday@7AM.